Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Yesterday was my friend Aubree's birthday. She invited me to Build-a-Bear Workshop. She also invited me to lunch. I got a horse and she got a minion.

We also got a ball that you throw and when it hit the ground, it splatters and goes back together.

I am so lucky to be her friend.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Amazing…

Today I found out that I am related to…. Pocahontas! Her real name is Princess Amonute Mataoka Pocahontas Powhatan. I am really excited.  She is my 12th Great grandmother. I am also related to a few authors, Elvis Presly, Walt Disney (we should get a discount to Disneyland.),  and George Washington, and so on. I am grateful for all of my great grandmas and other people in my family. Genealogy is fun!

This is from my mom's tree. So she is my 12th Great Grandma.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


At my sister Charlotte’s blessing I got a lot of stuff. One of my favorite things to do is go antiquing with my mom in St. George. My Grandpa Dennis knows how much I like to antiques and writing and drawing, so he got me an old looking journal. It looks like wood.

My Grandma Bean got me a starfish, and really old Flintstone dolls (50 years old).

I also got a glass lady, a 10 dollar check, and a chick cookie. I really like antiques!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Saturday we went to Cinderella. It was a good movie. It had a really good lesson. The lesson was Be Kind, have Courage, and believe in a little bit of Magic. I loved Cinderella’s dress and glass slippers. I also liked the golden pumpkin carrige.

Since we saw Cinderella my mom did a little lesson on it. She made us these little poster things. After we did some activities. It was a fun family home evening. I love it!

Monday, March 23, 2015


I read Wonder. It was a really good book. It was a good “not judging others” book. I liked Wonder. I think everyone should read it.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

My Sister Charlotte

I have a new baby sister. Her name is Charlotte and she is two months old. I think it is a blessing to have her. I really like having a baby sister.

Yesterday was my sister’s baby blessing. I felt really spiritual. Afterwards we went to the park to have treats and play. It was really fun and windy.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Why I love rocks

I wrote this a year ago for my mom for a website she writes on.

I was doing laundry one day and a rock fell out of my eight year old daughter’s pocket. When she got home from school I asked her why she always has rocks all over. Why she love collecting so many rocks. Her answer amazed and inspired me. Brooklynn has many goals; one is to be a writer. I asked her to write down her answer, because it needed to be heard. The following is what she wrote.

“I love to collect rocks, because they are all different. Sometimes they are weird looking, but that does not mean something is wrong with them. When they are cracked open they are different from the outside and beautiful. My favorite rock is from St. George. It was gray and ugly. I turned it over and it had pretty crystals. Just like people we shouldn’t judge on the outside. Look at everyone’s beautiful and unique inside.”

I am so proud of my tender hearted girl. If we could all look at people, like she looks at rocks. The world would be a better place.

Friday, March 20, 2015


I really want to share this poem I made up. It just popped into my mind.

Some have hearts of gold and some have silver or bronze.
But no matter what kind of heart you have,
Heavenly Father still loves you.

I really like writing poems.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


I got my Great-Great-Grandma’s journal. I just started reading it and I want to do a journal too. It inspired me. Here is the title “My Life—I’ve made it so far…and still striving! By Viola A. Stout”

In the book she wrote with a pen. I really like it. “We cannot re-write history but we can look upon it with understanding and compassion. Then may we diligently strive to mprove the future! Viola A. Stout”

Saturday, March 14, 2015

I Love my Family

Today is my adoption day. I am glad I am in the family I am. I wouldn't be in a family that went to church if I hadn't been adopted. I really love my family. My dad is calling it "St. Brooklynn's Day." I love my family!

Thursday, March 12, 2015


I started running with my dad. It is really fun.
We run for a mile each time. I am going to run in a 5K in St. George.
My dad bought me cool running shoes. I’m hoping to join a track team in the Summer. I really like running.

Wizard of Oz Books

I read The Wizard of Oz books. I read the first Wizard of Oz book, but then found out that L. Frank Baum wrote 13 more. So, I got all 14 books on my mom’s old Kindle. I really liked reading all 14 books. The last book was called “Glinda of Oz.” I suggest you at least read the first book. I really enjoyed reading them.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Treasure Box

Yesterday, I went to my Great Grandma and Grandpa Record’s house. My great-grandpa Record had a present for all of us. The present was little treasure boxes! He remembered that I love collecting stuff. I really love the little treasure box he gave me.
I am going to keep it forever.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Happy Sunday- Quotes

(San Diego Temple- my mom took the pictures)

Here is a quote by Thomas S. Monson. “It’s better to look up!”

Here is another quote by Gordon B. Hinkley. “You will come to know that what appears today to be sacrifice will prove instead to be the best investment that you will ever make.”
(June 2014)
This is a quote by Dieter F. Uchtdorf. “When you reach out to bless the lives of others, your life is blessed as well.”

Those were some quotes by some prophets. I really enjoyed them. I hope you did too.

(San Diego Temple)

Dr. Seuss quotes

Today, I am going to share two quotes by Dr. Seus. I really like the quotes that I’m going to share with you. They really inspire me. So, here is the first quote.

 It is called Be True to Yourself. “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go.”

Second quote. This is called And Always Remember. “And you will succeed? Yes! You will indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed!) Kid, You’ll Move Mountains!”

I really like those quotes. I hope you liked it!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

On a walk

Today we went on a walk to the gas station. I took some pictures while we were on the walk.
My mom brought my baby sister Charlotte with us. So, my sister Mckenna wanted to take her baby stroller too.
We got some treats and a movie for tonight. It was a really fun walk. I always love to spend time with my family. Movie nights are the best!

One of my Favorite Books

One of my favorite books is The Candy Shop War. It was a good book. I liked it because there was a lot of excitement. I liked how there was magic candy.
Then, a few weeks later I found out there was a second book. I got that book from the library. The second book was a really good book too! I really enjoyed it. It was a pretty big book, it was 433 pages long! It only took me eight days to read it. I really loved reading The Candy Shop War one and two.

I can’t wait to tell you more of my favorite books.