Hey everyone! Today I will be sharing with you some study tips!You can use these when you are studying for an upcoming test, or just for homework! Some I use and some I have just found on the internet. Enjoy!

1. Put away all distractions.
Put away all your distractions. This means phones,Ipad's,tablets,kindles,and what ever distracts you. You don't want to be doing your math homework that's due the next day and your on your phone instead!
2.Take Breaks.
It is always good to take mini breaks when your doing homework or studying. If you don't take breaks, it causes more stress and frustration!
3.Reward yourself.
Yes! Reward yourself! I suggest not rewarding yourself with a movie or YouTube video until you have finished everything.
4.Grab everything you need.
Make sure you grab all your materials,snacks,water,and anything else you might need so your not constantly getting up to get things.
5.Make a To-Do List.
Trust me, this helps so much! Make sure you name specific homework or studying you have to do. For example, if you had 1-6 math homework page 1-3, write that down! It makes your homework organized!
These are just some of the tips that I use! All these are my opinions! Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reading!-Brooklynn