Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Amazing…

Today I found out that I am related to…. Pocahontas! Her real name is Princess Amonute Mataoka Pocahontas Powhatan. I am really excited.  She is my 12th Great grandmother. I am also related to a few authors, Elvis Presly, Walt Disney (we should get a discount to Disneyland.),  and George Washington, and so on. I am grateful for all of my great grandmas and other people in my family. Genealogy is fun!

This is from my mom's tree. So she is my 12th Great Grandma.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


At my sister Charlotte’s blessing I got a lot of stuff. One of my favorite things to do is go antiquing with my mom in St. George. My Grandpa Dennis knows how much I like to antiques and writing and drawing, so he got me an old looking journal. It looks like wood.

My Grandma Bean got me a starfish, and really old Flintstone dolls (50 years old).

I also got a glass lady, a 10 dollar check, and a chick cookie. I really like antiques!